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Monday, March 9, 2020

Why my 4G, 3G internet is slow ?

Here is the list why our internet speed become very slow?

1.  Signal strength: Most of the time it depend on signal strength. If you are living in low signal strength 4G area the internet speed will be slow.

2.  Data Traffic: Data traffic is the most important to get speed of your Internet. When hug amount of people use internet then internet become slow. That’s why we get high speed in day and low speed in night (evening time).

3.  Your Data Pack: After using your daily data pack your internet speed become slowly.

4.  Wrong APN Setting: Set your APN to WWW.

5.  Data Roaming: if you are in roaming network then you must have to enable data roaming option. Otherwise your internet will be slow or will not connect.

6.  Mobile Network: Set your network 3G or 4G manually.

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