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Thursday, June 8, 2017

Network Routing | Types of Routing | Dynamic Routing VS Static Routing

What is Routing.

From source to destination path is called a Route in computer language and the process to finding that path is called routing.

Basically routing is a process where you find a particular path from source to destination to send traffic. Routing is processed for many types of networks such as Internet, PSTN (Packet Switching Telephone Network ), etc.

Routing process is used to deliver the Unicast, Broadcast or multicast packets in a network.

Router is a device that performs routing. Router collect the information from their neighbor routers related to network paths and stores it in its routing table. Routers uses some Routing Protocols to find the best path from source to destination. 

Search about routing protocols from this blog using search button and start learning about the routing protocols.

Types of Routing.

  • Static Routing
  • Dynamic Routing

Static Routing

When a network administrator configured a router manually/Statically to send traffic for a particular destination called static routing. Every-time when a network path added has to configured manually in a router, this is a big drawback of static routing.

Static routing is better for a small organization or home network but for a large organization or a ISP it is impossible to add a network path one by one every-time.

Dynamic Routing

Find best path and send traffic to the destination automatically towards the destination with the help of some routing protocols is called dynamic routing. In this procedure a routing protocol add the network routes automatically instead of static routing.

Once a routing protocol is configured on a router its takes the route information from its neighbor routers and stored the information in their routing table.

Adding routes automatically makes this process reliable and more efficient in comparison of static routing. There are many routing protocols that router use to perform dynamic routing such as RIP, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, IS-IS, etc.

Instead of configuring a new route every-time the big organization or ISP's use these kind of routing protocols.

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